Cornish Maine Wedding Photographer // Mallory & Ted // Waldo Emerson Inn

Mallory & Ted met the good ole fashion way… on Tinder! Their first date was at a brewery on open mic night. Mallory had never felt more like herself when she was with Ted. Their first date was Thursday, their second was on Saturday and the third date was the following Monday. And they have been inseparable ever since! Truth is, they had so much fun on their first date they try to recreate it often!

When Ted was ready to propose, he came to Maine to meet Mallory’s family at the first opportunity (Covid prolonged this a bit!). He had been waiting for this trip to be able to speak with Mallory’s parents and siblings about his intentions and it was important to him to do this in person. Mallory’s family had to keep this secret until Ted proposed just a few months later.

On the morning of his proposal, Ted let Mallory sleep in and made her favorite breakfast. She had suspected that something was up because she had spied a bottle of champagne in the fridge the night before! After they ate, Ted said some lovely words about the beautiful life they had constructed so far and how excited he was to build it further as husband and wife. Then he popped the question and Mallory, of course, said yes!

Fast forward to my initial conversation with Mallory and Ted. They described to me the quaint and intimate wedding that they had dreamed of. Sixteen of their closest family members were to gather at the Waldo Emerson Inn in Kennebunkport, where Mallory and Ted would say their I do’s in the garden. Mallory also described to me at that time that she would not be wearing a typical wedding dress. She described her style as unique and vintage. Let me just say that I love little, unique weddings and nothing could make me happier!

Finally their wedding day arrived! It was such a perfect day! Being a small wedding, Mallory got ready with her mom, sister and Ted’s mom. It was so quite and calm compared to most weddings. The guys got ready in their own little cottage along with Tuxedo, the couple’s adorable Boston Terrier. The Waldo Emerson Inn is incredibly charming!

After a few final touches to the beautiful bride, it was game time. Ted and Mallory were getting married right in the garden at the Waldo Emerson Inn so there wasn’t far to travel. Their guests all decided to stand for what I was told was going to be the “shortest ceremony ever!” The music started and the walk down the aisle began. Mallory’s brother was officiating giving that special personalized and intimate touch that the couple was going for. Then, in a blink of an eye, a few words were said, rings were exchanged and the newly married couple kissed. Holy shit! It was literally the shortest wedding ceremony that I had witnessed!

The champagne was popped and everyone enjoyed themselves while we did a few family formals. After that Mallory and Ted went with me to Parson’s Beach in Kennebunkport. This beach in particular was very important to Mallory. She grew up right down the street and it had significant meaning to be able to go her pictures there with her new husband. It was a particularly cloudy day, so I used so lighting to really make their pictures pop! We walked the beach and barely saw anyone else the whole time we were there. Mallory and Ted got to have just enough time after the ceremony to decompress.

Then it was off to a “Thanksgiving” style dinner, where Mallory and Ted shared a table with 16 of their closest family. A few toasts were made and a delicious meal was shared! It was the perfect small wedding. It was so calm and easy. I wish they were all like this!