Cornish Maine Wedding Photographer // I'm Probably Not A "Golf Course" Wedding Photographer

Each wedding is a unique to me, from the couples to their style of wedding to their venues. Recently, I engaged in a conversation with a fellow photographer, and it made me think about what made a perfect wedding venue in my eyes. While my colleague favored country clubs, golf courses, and hotels, I found myself disagreeing wholeheartedly. There’s just nothing that makes me feel creative about these venues. I want to share my perspective on why I find charm, beauty, and inspiration in unconventional settings like old brick buildings, mountaintops, old libraries, farms, and other textured and unique locations.

For me, the allure of wedding photography lies in capturing the essence of a couple's love story in a way that reflects their individuality. While hotels and golf courses may offer convenience and grandeur, I find them lacking in character and uniqueness. Instead, I am drawn to the rustic charm and atmosphere of old brick buildings, libraries, mountaintops and farms. These locations provide a backdrop that is rich in history, textured details, and a magic that adds depth to the photographs.

Photography is an art form that thrives on creativity and pushing boundaries. While some may prefer brightly lit, traditional settings, I am captivated by the allure of dark and moody venues. I mean, you’ve seen my work if you’ve made it this far. Places like BrickSouth and the Portland Masonic exude an air of mystery and intrigue, lending themselves to dramatic compositions and striking visual narratives. The texture alone in these locations are so visually compelling.

Farms and mountaintops, with their open, uncut fields, offer an idyllic setting for wedding photography. The natural beauty of these locations serves as the perfect backdrop to capture the landscape. Natureallows me to basically shoot landscape photography with the couple peppered into the frame.

While there is nothing inherently wrong with venues that cater specifically to weddings, I find myself seeking a more interesting backdrops.. Photographing in places like Genos in Portland allowed me to break away from the traditional wedding mill setting and embrace the uniqueness of the couple's story. These offbeat venues often hold sentimental value for the couple, and that sentiment is effortlessly translated into the photographs.

As a wedding photographer, I am constantly inspired by the diverse and unconventional settings that couples choose for their special day. While some may find beauty in the grandeur of country clubs and hotels, I am captivated by the textures, uniqueness, and authenticity found in old brick buildings, libraries, and farms. The interplay of light and shadow, the allure of dark and moody venues, and the natural beauty of outdoor spaces all contribute to creating photographs that are as unique as the couple themselves.