Cornish MAINE Wedding Photographer // The Importance Of Having Your Wedding Photographer Using Professional Equipment

As a wedding photographer, I cannot overstate the importance of using professional gear and having backup professional gear. And, obviously, an amazing fanny pack like I’m wearing in the photo above. Weddings are high-pressure events where there are no second chances to capture the perfect shot. It's essential to have reliable equipment that can handle the fast-paced, unpredictable nature of the day.

Personally, I shoot with 2 Canon R6 mirrorless camera. These cameras are amazing. They are tack sharp and even survived me shooting a wedding in a hurricane. The dual card system provides an added layer of security, as it allows me to back up my images on a separate card in case of card corruption. This ensures that I never miss a shot or lose valuable images due to a technical error. I’ve seen on way too many Facebook groups, photographers freaking out because the card they shot on was corrupt and they lost all of someone’s wedding images. Having 2 card slots in your camera to record to redundantly is so important.

Additionally, having a variety of different lens focal lengths is crucial for capturing different types of shots. A wide-angle lens is ideal for taking photos of small hotel rooms, while longer focal lengths are better suited for portraits. Having a range of lenses means that I can adapt to any situation and capture each moment perfectly.

Using high-quality flashes, such as the Godox flash for both on and off-camera flash, is also important. These flashes provide reliable and consistent lighting, even in low light situations. This ensures that each image is well-lit and properly exposed, allowing me to capture the beauty of the moment. I also can not stress enough to have extra flashes. I’ve had wedding guests knock over my lighting and had to replace it on the fly. You would think that gear doesn’t break on wedding days, but it does and with a true professional photographer, you would never even know that it happened!

In conclusion, using professional gear is essential for any wedding photographer to create the most amazing portraits for any wedding day.