Cornish Maine Wedding Photographer // You Are My Spirit Animal If You Don't Wear A White Wedding Dress

Wedding traditions have been around for centuries, and one of the most popular ones is for the bride to wear a white gown. However, times are changing, and more and more brides are opting for non-traditional wedding dresses. If you're a non-traditional bride, you might be wondering if it's okay to skip the white dress. The answer is a resounding yes! In fact, it would be amazing if you didn't wear white on your wedding day!

Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life, and you want to make sure that it reflects who you are. Wearing a non-white dress is a great way to show off your personality and style if you are a bit unique like myself! You can choose a dress in your favorite color or a unique pattern that reflects your taste. You'll feel confident and beautiful in a dress that you love, and your guests will be in awe of your individuality.

While wedding traditions can be comforting and familiar, they can also be limiting. Breaking away from the norm and wearing a non-white dress is a bold move that will make your wedding stand out. It's a chance to break free from expectations and create a day that's truly your own. You'll inspire your guests to think outside the box and embrace their own uniqueness.

Believe it or not, white wedding dresses are a relatively new tradition. Before the mid-19th century, brides wore dresses in a variety of colors, including red, blue, and green. It wasn't until Queen Victoria wore a white dress for her wedding in 1840 that the trend caught on. By choosing a non-white dress, you're paying homage to the long history of wedding attire and showing that you're not afraid to buck tradition.

Wedding dresses can be expensive, and opting for a non-traditional gown can be a great way to save money. You can find beautiful dresses in a variety of colors and styles that are much cheaper than a traditional white wedding dress. Plus, you can wear your non-white dress again for other occasions, making it a practical and cost-effective choice.

In conclusion, if you're a non-traditional bride, don't be afraid to skip the white dress. Be yourself snide not who everyone tells you to be! Wearing a non-white gown is a chance to express your personality, break away from tradition, pay homage to history, and even save money. Your wedding day should be a reflection of who you are, and a non-white dress is a great way to make that happen.