Cornish Maine Wedding Photographer // Why You Should Consider Saying Your Vows To Each Other Privately Before The Ceremony

As a wedding photographer with many years of experience, I have witnessed countless weddings and have seen the beauty and magic of each one. However, there is one particular trend that I have noticed in recent years that I believe is worth considering. That trend is saying your vows to each other prior to the ceremony.

I know that the traditional way of saying your vows during the ceremony is a significant and meaningful moment. However, there are benefits to having a private moment before the ceremony to say your vows to each other. Here are some reasons why I suggest this approach.

First and foremost, it allows for a more intimate and personal moment between you and your partner. When you exchange your vows during the ceremony, there are many people around, and it can be challenging to focus on each other. By saying your vows beforehand, you can truly take in the moment and express your feelings to each other without any distractions.

Secondly, it can help to calm your nerves. Weddings can be stressful, and the anticipation of the ceremony can add to that stress. By having a private moment to say your vows, you can release some of that anxiety and start the day on a more relaxed note.

Finally, from a photography standpoint, it allows us to capture the moment in a more intimate and personal way. We can get up close and capture the emotions and expressions on your faces, without worrying about being in the way of the ceremony.

I understand that this may not be for everyone, and the traditional way of saying your vows during the ceremony is still a beautiful and meaningful moment. However, I encourage you to consider having a private moment beforehand to say your vows to each other. It can be a beautiful and intimate experience that you will cherish forever.